24 February 2021: Monthly Membership Meeting (MMM)

Philippine Computer Society (PCS) will conduct its Monthly Membership Meeting (MMM) on 24 February 2021, 1:15 pm-3:00pm. This is an exclusive meeting for Members and special guests!

About the Topic  The HeART of Public Speaking

Now and from times immemorial, the one skill that makes a person stand out, succeed and create change is his ability to transfer information and knowledge with clarity, to persuade effectively and to inspire with wit and eloquence. It is a sure-fire way of evolving from an executive to a world-class leader. Given that everything has gone digital, even old school wisdom has adapted itself to the new world.

At this interactive talk. you will learn to be a clear, concise and a compelling speaker through the application of the seven (7) strategies for IT Professionals and Practitioners on how to connect, engage and influence authentically on ZOOM and all other virtual platforms.

About the Speaker  Mr. Raju Mandhyan

Mr. Mandhyan has been on the coaching, consulting circuit for over twenty years cross Asia Pacific. A former mechanical engineer, entrepreneur and now an educator he has written five books on business communications and enterprise leadership.

His words and his work are inspired by NLP, the neurosciences and facilitative processes like Systems Thinking and the School of Improvisation and Authentic Influence©. In the past, he has headed organizations like the Philippines India Business Council, Association of Appreciative Inquiry and the International Association of Facilitators, Philippines.

How to register –

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